Historic step: For the first time, the need to abandon oil and gas was recognized at the UN Climate Summit

At the 28th UN Climate Conference (COP28) in the United Arab Emirates, after long negotiations and urgent reformulation, it was possible to agree on a final agreement that calls for the abandonment of the use of hydrocarbons. The text of the agreement was published on the website of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

The compromise formulation expresses the idea of ​​an honest, organized and fair "divestment from fossil fuels" and acceleration of efforts in this direction during the current "critical decade" with the goal of achieving zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

According to Bloomberg, the final text had to be changed at the last moment in order to find a compromise that would satisfy the United States and the European Union, on the one hand, and Saudi Arabia, on the other.

Even without the mention of the "phasing out of fossil fuels", which was demanded by most countries, the text became historic, since before that none of the COP documents indicated the abandonment of oil and gas.

"In Dubai, we have not closed the page on the fossil fuel era, but this result is the beginning of the end," said Simon Still, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

He added: “These climate conferences are based on consensus, meaning all parties must agree on every word, every comma, every dot. It is difficult and difficult, but it highlights how much has been achieved at UN conferences in recent decades. Without them, we would already be on the way to a warming of about five degrees, which would be fatal for our species. We are now on track for just under three degrees, which will still result in significant human suffering, so COP28 is important to move forward."