Grain from Ukraine will bankrupt Polish farmers - protests from both sides

Warsaw has long supported Kyiv, but relations between the two countries are strained due to protests by Polish farmers who complain of unfair competition, writes Reuters. On Tuesday, new demonstrations took place in Poland: on television footage, protesters at the border crossing "Medyka" can be seen opening railway cars and pouring grain onto the rails. The Minister of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine, Mykola Solsky, stated that the grain was going to Germany and could not reach the Polish market.

farmers throughout the European Union , expressing dissatisfaction with the restrictions imposed on them, related to the EU's fight against climate change, as well as unfair competition from Ukraine. On the protesters' tractors were placards: "If grain comes from Ukraine, Polish farmers will go bankrupt."

The organizer of the protests at the Dorukhusk border crossing stated: "In my opinion, the border should be closed. Procedures and systems need to be clarified and then maybe it can be reopened, but not under the rules we have now. Because now you can import whatever you want, as much as you want... into Poland." So even buses were allowed across the border only one per hour.

In response, Ukrainian carriers began their round-the-clock demonstration at three border crossings. The slogans on their trucks are: "If Ukraine loses, Poland will also lose" and "The blockade of Ukraine is a betrayal of European values." At the same time, the Polish authorities say that they are negotiating with both farmers and Kyiv.