Putin expressed his desire to create a "sanitary zone" on the territory of Ukraine

In his speech at the election headquarters, Russian leader Vladimir Putin said that during his new presidential term he plans to resolve the conflict with Ukraine and strengthen the armed forces. According to propagandist Russian mass media, he is considering the possibility of creating a "sanitary zone" on the territory of Ukraine, which would be difficult for "foreign military assets". Putin also threatened to treat volunteer units like military units and ordered law enforcement agencies to identify anyone fighting against Russia.

In his speech, Putin also complained that representatives of the Russian Volunteer Corps were being "thrown to the front line" and reported losses among them. He stated that these actions are due to the need to protect the interests of Russian citizens in the conflict zone.

Putin also expressed readiness for peace talks, but only on the condition that the enemy does not have enough ammunition.

In Russia, the presidential elections have ended, where Vladimir Putin won almost 88% of the votes. Mykola Kharitonov, a representative of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, is in second place with 4.6% of votes, and Vladislav Davankov from the New People party took third place.

Voting was held over three days, including Crimea and the occupied territories of Ukraine. It is worth noting that Vladyslav Davankov defeated Putin in foreign polling stations.

Political analyst Politico predicts that Putin's presidential term will last until at least 2030. He is gathering votes not only in Russia, but also among the occupying forces, and plans to add dead soldiers to the votes to increase his support. It is predicted that Putin will remain in power until 2030, and his re-election is already predicted with a result of 90% of the vote.

The protracted voting was also accompanied by provocations, such as the distribution of pens with disappearing ink at polling stations. Putin plans to continue the war against Ukraine and strengthen the country's armed forces.