# money

Express-T - drug dealers, marauders of war, mafiosi

Recently, scandalous news about a Kyiv tow truck company flew through the media. On paper, it provides taxi and transportation services. But in reality he is engaged in illegal evacuation of cars, outright kidnapping...

Mykola Udyanskyi: Nothing strengthens a marriage like cheating on a loved one!

As we learned from the materials sent to us by our readers, the famous crypto-swindler Mykola Udyansky loves not only money, but also women, more and cheaper. Reader us...

Britain does not intend to confiscate Russian assets: reasons

Two years after the start of the full-scale invasion, British politicians have not implemented their ideas to confiscate Russian assets for the benefit of Ukraine. According to...

Losses of famous brands due to war: what the study showed

At the end of 2023, reductions in clothing revenue per square meter were recorded for various brands, however, this decrease is not considered critical, stated in...

The Pentagon needs $10 billion to replenish its weapons stockpile

"If we can't get new funding, it will depend to some extent on our readiness for our own stockpiles," a defense ministry official said. Soldiers...

The Cabinet of Ministers allocated money for the construction of fortifications in the Zaporizhzhia region

The Cabinet of Ministers on the instructions of Zelensky allocated over 1.3 billion hryvnias for the construction of fortifications in the Zaporozhye region. This is a record amount, said the head of the Zaporizhzhya Regional State Administration, Ivan...

Financial aid for Ukraine: news about the tranche from the European Union and Orban's position

Approval of the allocation of 50 billion euros to Ukraine from the European Union was planned back in December. The first tranche of European aid, which amounts to 4 and a half billion euros,...

TOP 5 economic challenges for 2024

Vitaly Shapran expressed his opinion that the victory will not finance itself. Therefore, it is necessary to understand what needs to be done in the economy of 2024, what are its shortcomings...

The art of saving: tips and recommendations

Understanding how to effectively manage your finances and build savings can be a challenging task, especially with unexpected expenses and the need to budget for essentials,...

Financial horoscope for the week: who will be financially successful from December 18-24

The financial horoscope for the week from December 18 to 24 indicates different financial opportunities for representatives of different zodiac signs. Let's take a look at what changes await...

Items that bring harmony and luck to the wallet

A wallet is not only a means of storing money, but also a potential amulet for attracting good luck. So it is important to figure out what items should be in...

The director of the social center of the Darnytskyi district of Kyiv is wanted on suspicion of embezzling 50,000 hryvnias

The director of the territorial center of social services of the Darnytskyi district of Kyiv, Valentina Doroshenko, is wanted on suspicion of embezzling 50,000 hryvnias, which is listed in the criminal...