This year, the holiday celebrations in Bethlehem, the city of Jesus' birth, were canceled due to the tragedy in the Gaza Strip, where an Israeli military operation led to the death of many children. Instead of thousands of tourists and pilgrims, the streets are filled with an atmosphere of sadness and war.
A resident of Bethlehem, Madeleine, shared her impressions with the BBC: "The city is empty of happiness, of joy, of children, of Santa. There is no celebration this year.”
The cancellation of Christmas events is felt at every step. The famous Christmas tree in the middle of the square is missing, and carols and holiday fairs do not sound.
Instead of a festive decoration, a small monument depicting the birth of Jesus, surrounded by stones and barbed wire, has been installed, which serves as a memory for the children of Gaza.
Priest Eissa Taljiya, who serves in the empty church, shared his impressions: “The city looks like a shadow of what it once was. I have been a priest in this church for 12 years and have never seen him like this, even during the Covid-19 pandemic. We have relatives in Gaza and that makes it difficult to celebrate. But it is good that we are united in prayer."
The Roman Catholic Patriarch of Jerusalem, Pierbattista Pizzaballa, called it a "very sad Christmas" and called for a ceasefire: "We must stop this fighting and turn the page because violence can only beget violence."