Hot or cold? As the shower helps to burn calories

It turns out that taking a hot or cold bath can have a positive effect on metabolism and promote calories. Studies show that even without physical activity, you can lose energy simply by taking water treatments.

An hourly stay in water at 40 ° C allows you to burn about 140 calories - it is equivalent to a half -hour walk, 20 minutes of swimming or 15 minutes of running. If you take a hot shower for 15 minutes, you can lose more than 300 calories, which is approximately equal to a large chocolate or hot dog tile. For those who dare to take a cold shower (below 15 ° C), there is another advantage: low temperatures stimulate brown fat that burns energy to warm the body. Not only does it help to burn calories, it can also reduce electricity costs. According to Labboro University studies, the water temperature and the duration of the procedure play an important role in metabolism. Hot water causes the body to consume energy to cool the body, and cold water activates the mechanisms of warming, which also promotes calorie burning.

Thus, even such a habitual daily action as a shower or bath can be an additional way to maintain shape.