In Ukraine, a new speed control system will be introduced

There are about 70,000 video surveillance cameras in Ukraine, but due to the lack of a single standard, their effectiveness remains low. Drivers learned to deceive the auto -fixation system, dramatically reducing the speed in front of the cameras, and after travel again exceeding it.

However, this trick will soon stop working: the Ministry of Internal Affairs, together with the People's Deputies, have developed a new bill that will change the approach to the control of the speed regime.

How will the new system work? Measurement of average speed between two points of observation. Automatic fixation of violations, even if the driver braked in front of the camera. Increasing the number of cameras and expanding the control area. Video surveillance plays a key role in the fight against crime - 9 out of 10 crimes are opened through cameras. They also help identify Russian military criminals in the occupied territories.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs plans to adopt a bill as soon as possible to increase the efficiency of the speed control system and to deprive drivers the opportunity to bypass the rules.