French foreign minister goes to Lebanon to prevent possible war between Israel and Hezbollah

French Foreign Minister Stephane Sejournay is set to visit Lebanon on Sunday, April 28, where he intends to make proposals to prevent further escalation of the conflict and possible war between Israel and the radical group Hezbollah.

Paris is working on improving a road map that could serve as a basis for reducing tensions in the region. After Israel's shelling of Iran, mutual shelling between the two sides is increasing significantly.

The initiative proposed by France includes the withdrawal of elite Hezbollah units 10 kilometers from the Israeli border in exchange for an end to Israeli strikes in southern Lebanon. This is a French proposal that has already been discussed with other partners, including the United States.

Sejourne's mission also includes visits to Saudi Arabia and Israel after his visit to Lebanon.

It is noted that the Israeli side aims to restore calm on the northern border so that thousands of displaced people can return to the region without fear of rocket attacks from Lebanon.

At the same time, the leader of "Hezbollah" declared the inadmissibility of participation in any negotiations while the war in the Gaza Strip between Israel and the group "Hamas" continues.

France also appealed to the local leaders of Lebanon to convey the seriousness of Israel's efforts regarding the military operation in the south of the country.

French officials say the talks are currently general and do not yet have concrete results among the Lebanese leadership, but they believe it is important to continue efforts in this direction.