Improving metabolism and energy: the 4 most useful spices for health

Health experts have identified the best spices for cooking, which not only add flavor and aroma, but also help improve metabolism, improve mood and energy levels.

Metabolism, mood and activity - all these elements are interconnected and play a key role in our well-being. Metabolism is a complex process of converting food into energy, affecting weight control and overall tone of life. Mood, on the other hand, reflects our emotional state and mental well-being, influencing everyday functioning. Energy level is the fuel that directly affects productivity and quality of life. Surprisingly, there are spices that not only improve the taste of our dishes, but also help optimize metabolism, mood and energy levels.

Lacy Peterson, Ph.D., revealed four spices that should be included in your diet. “Adding spices like ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, and cayenne pepper can boost your metabolism. These spices contain biologically active compounds that increase calorie burning, improve insulin sensitivity, and enhance fat oxidation."

  1. Ginger Ginger, with its invigorating taste, acts as a powerful spice, helping to improve metabolism, mood and energy levels. “Ginger can boost your metabolism by increasing thermogenesis, the process by which your body burns calories to produce heat. It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can positively affect mood by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation. Ginger also helps increase energy levels by improving circulation and nutrient absorption, which results in better delivery of nutrients to cells for energy production,” notes Peterson.
  2. Turmeric Known for its benefits in metabolism, mood and energy levels, Turmeric can be a great addition to any diet. “Curcumin, the active compound in turmeric, can improve metabolism by affecting adipose tissue and reducing inflammation. Turmeric's anti-inflammatory effects may help improve mood by reducing inflammation associated with mood disorders. Curcumin is an antioxidant that fights oxidative stress, potentially increasing energy levels and reducing fatigue,” adds Peterson.
  3. Cinnamon Whether you use cinnamon in food or drink, it can improve your metabolism, mood, and energy levels. “Cinnamon can improve metabolism by increasing insulin sensitivity, helping cells use glucose more efficiently. It can positively affect mood by regulating blood sugar levels, preventing energy crashes that can contribute to mood swings. "Cinnamon helps stabilize blood sugar levels, ensuring a sustained release of energy and reducing the likelihood of energy spikes and crashes," Peterson emphasizes.
  4. Cayenne pepper Cayenne pepper, with its fiery taste, not only adds spiciness to dishes, but can also have a beneficial effect. “Capsaicin, the active compound in cayenne pepper, can increase metabolism by increasing calorie expenditure and fat oxidation. The heat of cayenne pepper can stimulate the release of endorphins, potentially improving mood and reducing stress. The thermogenic effect of cayenne pepper increases body temperature and increases energy levels, helping to burn calories,” says Peterson.

We remind you that spices not only add flavor to your dishes, but can also have a positive effect on your health and help maintain optimal energy and mood levels. A balanced diet enriched with these healthy spices can be a great step towards improving your overall well-being.