The speech of the new Prime Minister of Poland, Tusk, in the Sejm: support for Ukraine and identification of the main issues

On December 12, the newly elected Prime Minister of Poland, Donald Tusk, spoke in the Polish Diet, where he expressed his views on important issues, including the situation in Ukraine and the war in the east.

Tusk said that Poland will support Ukraine even more actively. "We will demand full mobilization of the West to help Ukraine. I can no longer listen to politicians who talk about being tired of the situation in Ukraine," Tusk said.

During his visit to Brussels, he promised to emphasize the support of Ukraine and called for a united measure to help the state in the fight against Russian aggression. "An attack on Ukraine is an attack on all of us," Tusk added.

The Prime Minister also noted the importance of Ukrainians' struggle for democratic values ​​and protection of their desire to join the Western world. He noted that "politicians who attack the foundations of democracy are anti-Ukrainian."

In his speech, Prime Minister Tusk also drew attention to the difficult circumstances facing Poland, including the COVID-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine and the migration crisis. He identified the October 15 election as a defining moment in the history of Poland and declared that this day will go down in history as "the day of a peaceful uprising - an uprising for freedom and democracy."

Turning to the situation in Ukraine, Tusk emphasized the importance of supporting Ukrainians in the struggle for democracy and the rule of law, calling for a united attitude of the West to overcome Russian aggression.