Arestovich suggests filing a lawsuit together with the Russian Federation against the West: "Let's come to Putin and make peace"

The scandalous ex-adviser of the Office of the President, Oleksiy Arestovych, while abroad, issued a new pro-Russian statement in which he expressed his opinion about the need for a joint lawsuit between Ukraine and Russia against Western countries after the conclusion of peace.

In an interview with Russian opposition journalist Yulia Latynina, Arestovych expressed the opinion that Ukraine and Russia should jointly file a collective lawsuit against the West after reaching a peaceful settlement of the conflict.

"Putin needs to say: 'Let's make peace.' But we will conclude it in a particularly cunning way: we will present a collective lawsuit against the West. Ukraine and Russia together. The West owes us everything," Arestovych said.

The ex-advisor also expressed the opinion that the current model of Ukrainian statehood "has historically failed," echoing Putin's narrative. According to him, the West itself provoked Russia to aggression, expanding NATO to the East and not taking into account the interests of the Kremlin.

It is interesting to note that Oleksiy Arestovych announced his intention to run for the post of president of Ukraine on November 1, and also announced that he has no plans to return to the country, claiming that he is being politically persecuted.

These fresh statements by Arestovych only emphasize his distance from the positions of the Ukrainian authorities and the activation of pro-Russian rhetoric in his public statements.