Two dozen Telegram channels may be banned in Ukraine

Telegram is considering a request from the Security Service of Ukraine regarding 26 publications, Yaroslav Yurchyshyn, head of the Council's Committee on Freedom of Speech, said.

According to him, previously Telegram ignored the authorities of Ukraine with its requests, but after the start of the discussion about the possible ban of the messenger, the administration responded to the request for consideration of a number of "public" publics.

"Actually, the SBU monitors everything that can be interpreted as a justification of Russian aggression - both anonymous and personalized channels. But behind these 26 channels there is already clear evidence," Yurchyshyn said.

Earlier, the SBU stated that Telegram cooperates with Roskomnadzor and the FSB.

The State Duma of the Russian Federation said that the messenger in general and Durov personally "always react very quickly to events", cooperate with the law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation, "in particular, block prohibited content".

Ukraine can also ban TikTok if the US does it, said Yurchyshyn, head of the Committee on Freedom of Speech.

"On the one hand, we have such a basis for sanctions - if such sanctions are introduced in a partner country, we introduce them.
Everything is very difficult here, but it can become another trump card in negotiations not only with TikTok, but also with Telegram, if the States take such a drastic step," Yurchyshyn said.