South Korea, Japan and the United States agree on measures to counter the nuclear and missile threat from North Korea

South Korea, the United States and Japan are coordinating their actions to counter the threat emanating from North Korea. A meeting of national security advisers of the three countries took place in Seoul, where issues related to countering the nuclear and missile threat posed by North Korea were discussed.

The meeting came as part of previously agreed measures outlined during a trilateral summit in August involving Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol, US President Joe Biden and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida.

South Korea's national security adviser, Cho Tae-yong, summing up the visit, noted that quick and effective agreements were reached on the implementation of the Camp David agreements in the fields of cyber security, economy, advanced technology and development cooperation. They also pledged to continue to strengthen comprehensive cooperation in the field of economic security, particularly in the areas of supply chains, technology protection, joint research and artificial intelligence management.