Ireland gives Ukrainian refugees the opportunity to celebrate Christmas at home

The Irish government has decided on a policy for Ukrainian refugees, allowing them to temporarily return to Ukraine for Christmas without the risk of losing their accommodation in Ireland.

Previously, the decision to leave for the holidays could lead to the loss of temporary housing for refugees, but the new decision removes this restriction. This step in politics is seen as an attempt to improve the attitude towards Ukrainians seeking asylum in Ireland.

The Ministry of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth has decided to allow refugees to leave their state-provided homes from December 22 to January 5 without the need to notify the authorities.

Under the updated rules, refugees must return to Ireland by January 5 or face losing their housing and their personal belongings will be disposed of after 60 days.

It is important to take into account that these changes do not take into account the fact that in Ukraine Christmas is traditionally celebrated on January 7, and festive events continue until Epiphany on January 19.