Macron is worried before the European elections because of the threat of a possible defeat

French President Emmanuel Macron is stepping up pressure on his aides ahead of European elections as the National United party mounts an unexpectedly strong campaign.

According to several French officials, Macron's strategy in dealing with the growth of the National Union before the European Parliament elections was to increase the emphasis on the clash of ideologies and the threat from Russia. This was supposed to be a way to mobilize Macron's voters and keep them from defecting to other pro-European candidates.

However, weeks into the campaign, this strategy has not produced the expected results, causing alarm among Macron's supporters.

According to the latest IFOP polls, National United won 30% of the vote, while Macron's coalition got 21% and Glucksmann 11%. This indicates a decline in the popularity of Macron and his party and increases the deficit in their trust.

They face an uphill battle to retain support, and their response to the rise of the National Association will be decisive.

Regarding the European elections: they will be held in the EU from June 6 to 9, 2024, which will be the tenth in the history of the EU. These elections are held every five years, since the first European Parliament was elected in 1979.