The Netherlands will direct 122 million euros for military aid to Ukraine

The Netherlands is going to provide Ukraine with military aid in the amount of 122 million euros, which will be aimed at purchasing ammunition, weapons and strengthening cyber security, the press service of the country's government reported.

It is noted that from this sum, 87 million euros will be used for the purchase of artillery shells for Ukraine, and another 25 million euros will be transferred to the International Fund for Ukraine (IFU) for the purchase of weapons.

In addition, the Dutch government plans to allocate 10 million euros to increase the level of cyber security in Ukraine.

The decision on these donations was made as a result of consultations of the Defense Contact Group of Ukraine (UDCG), in which 50 partner countries participate. This initiative is intended to provide Ukraine with the necessary equipment and resources to ensure its protection.

Minister of Defense of the Netherlands Kaisa Ollongren emphasized the importance of supporting Ukraine in the long term. She noted that now it is especially important to show support for Ukraine, which is actively fighting for its country and common values, such as self-determination, freedom, equality and human rights.