In Japan, a food additive could cause mass poisoning

Four deaths have been reported in Japan that may be linked to the use of a dietary supplement to lower cholesterol levels. This supplement contains red yeast rice.

In addition to the four dead, more than 100 hospitalized patients are known. All of the victims had kidney problems, and all of them were taking this biosupplement.

Regarding the negative effects of the supplement, after people who took the supplement began to complain of kidney problems en masse, the manufacturer Kobayashi Pharmaceutical recalled three of its nutritional supplements, including "Beni Koji Choleste Help."

The first complaints came from patients back in January, but the company did not share this information with the government.

The manufacturer conducted an investigation Kobayashi Pharmaceutical said it conducted its own investigation and found "ingredients that were not intended to be added" in the supplement. Currently, Kobayashi Pharmaceutical, together with the Ministry of Health of Japan, continues to investigate the deaths and a possible connection to the consumption of their supplements.