Ukraine appeals to the European Commission and Poland due to the threat of blocking the border

Polish carriers are threatening to block all checkpoints on the border with Ukraine due to excessive competition that arose after the liberalization of international transportation between Ukraine and the European Union. In response to these threats, the Ukrainian authorities appealed to their Polish and European partners to discuss the situation and find a joint solution.

A meeting between representatives of Ukraine and the Directorate for Mobility of the European Commission is scheduled for October 31. The main goal of this meeting is to work out joint solutions that will make it possible to increase the throughput capacity at the border and ensure the stable operation of checkpoints.

Deputy Minister of Community Development, Territories and Infrastructure of Ukraine, Serhiy Derkach, emphasized the importance of dialogue and equal representation of the interests of carriers of both countries. He also expressed Ukraine's gratitude to the Polish people for their support in the face of a full-scale war.

According to the information, Polish carriers are demanding the return of permits for Ukrainian carriers, strengthening the rules of transportation according to the European Conference of Ministers of Transport (ECMT) for foreign carriers, limiting the possibility of registering companies in Poland if the company's finances are located outside the European Union, ensuring a separate queue in the E-queue for cars with EU license plates, allocate a separate queue at all borders for empty vans and provide access to the "Path" system.

The situation remains tense, and the dialogue participants strive to find compromise solutions that would take into account the interests of all parties and maintain stability on the border between Ukraine and Poland.