How vacation planning keeps you mentally healthy

According to the results of a survey of Ukrainian travelers who returned from vacation, it turned out that the main means of overcoming post-vacation longing are memories and planning new trips. After returning home, 26% of people most often restore a good mood by looking at photos and videos from their trips, and 25% note that planning new trips is an excellent antidote to post-vacation melancholy.

Psychologist and candidate of cultural studies Svitlana Arkhipova claims that planning a new trip is the most effective "medicine" for post-vacation stress. Travel has a direct effect on the feeling of happiness through the production of endorphins in the body, and the very process of planning already brings positive emotions into everyday life.

"Traveling is directly related to the feeling of happiness, because new experiences contribute to the production of endorphins in the body. But the process of planning a trip — it doesn't matter if you're going in the near future or in a few months — also has a positive effect on mood," explains the psychologist.

Other methods, such as doing something you love and avoiding focusing on the longing, were also found to be effective for 20% and 8%, respectively. However, planning new adventures looks like the most exciting and constructive way to deal with post-vacation stress, according to Ukrainian travelers.