NATO plans to deploy Alliance forces throughout Europe

According to a Financial Times report, NATO's Joint Support and Sustainment Command, together with the Alliance's command center in the southern German city of Ulm, is developing new strategies for the deployment of NATO military forces across Europe. These plans provide for continued support and strengthening of military efforts in the event of a possible conflict with Russia.

Admiral Rob Baver, head of NATO, emphasized that these new strategies are aimed at preparing for a possible war with Russia. He also noted that the process uses lessons learned from the large-scale Steadfast Defender exercise, which simulates conflict scenarios in NATO's east, the biggest war games in the alliance's history since the Cold War.

General Sir Patrick Sanders, who is leaving his position in the British army, also warned about the need to prepare the population of Great Britain for a possible conflict with Russia. He noted that citizens should be ready for hostilities, as the threat from Moscow is not diminishing.

The unnamed British intelligence officer emphasized that such warnings are not intended to provoke panic, but serve to ensure that citizens can be warned and prepared for possible events.

These steps by NATO come against the backdrop of restrictions on military aid to Ukraine by the United States and the European Union. The leadership of the alliance previously recognized the need for transformation and preparation for any possible threats in the future, including the possible outbreak of war.