Autumn season 2023: Prices for vegetables in Ukraine

The 2023 harvest season in Ukraine brings good news for vegetable consumers, as their prices are significantly lower than last year.

Eggplants, for example, are available at a price of only 20 hryvnias per kilogram, which is two to three times cheaper than tomatoes at the same time. Carrots and onions have also become significantly cheaper. Carrots, which cost 16 hryvnias per kilogram, can now be purchased for 7-8 hryvnias, and the price of onions has dropped from 23 to 12 hryvnias per kilogram. These price changes please buyers and make the harvesting and canning season more profitable.

However, experts warn that this situation may not last long, and within a week or two prices will start to rise. However, compared to the previous year, vegetables will remain available until the frost period.

Potatoes, however, cost a little more this year. Economic analysts of the wholesale market of agricultural products "Shuvar" report a 40-50% increase in prices compared to the previous year. The average price per kilogram of potatoes ranges from 7 to 8 hryvnias, while in September last year it was 5 hryvnias.

Experts also draw attention to the fact that Ukraine has lost its independence in the production of potato seeds, because it does not update varieties and depends on foreign breeders. This is caused, in particular, by neglected institutes involved in potato growing and the lack of own base for breeding varieties. Such changes in agriculture may worsen the situation in the future if appropriate measures are not taken.

Thus, in this harvest season, vegetable prices in Ukraine pleasantly surprise consumers, but despite this, there are problems in agriculture that require attention and solutions.