How to learn to show and recognize self-compassion

The ability to feel compassion for oneself is a completely normal reaction, as each of us has periods of difficulty in life. It is important to learn to support yourself in such moments, and not to deepen your own suffering.

Many of us have created barriers in ourselves that prevent us from showing love and care for ourselves. This is done as a defense against the difficulties of reality and the possible judgment of others. However, there is another approach that allows you to feel safe. By embracing our difficulties with compassion, kindness, and support during difficult times, we can transform our lives. It teaches us to accept ourselves even with internal and external flaws and gives us strength for further development.

There are several ways that will help you learn to have compassion for yourself and live fully, without looking for trouble in yourself and without condemning yourself for mistakes.

Step One: Learn to empathize with yourself, just as you would for your friend. Support yourself even when you realize you're making mistakes.

Step Two: Start treating yourself with kindness. Being kind to yourself helps block aggression and allows you to be more patient with your own shortcomings.

Step Three: Accept your imperfection. Understand that everyone can make mistakes and it is part of the human experience. Accept yourself as you are and allow yourself the right to make mistakes and failures.

Healthy self-compassion is the key to loving and caring for your own well-being, and it has nothing to do with selfishness.