Putin has made it easier for foreigners who oppose neoliberalism to move to Russia

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree that greatly simplifies the process of obtaining a temporary residence permit in Russia for foreigners who oppose neoliberal policies in their countries. The new decree is aimed at attracting those who do not agree with the political course of their states and consider it to be contrary to traditional Russian spiritual and moral values.

This is stated in the decree of the President of the Russian Federation. It is aimed at residents of countries who want to move to Russia "due to the rejection of the policy implemented by these states, which imposes destructive neoliberal ideological attitudes that contradict traditional Russian spiritual and moral values."

Such foreigners (or stateless persons) can apply for a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation according to a simplified scheme - without taking into account the quota, knowledge of the Russian language and knowledge of the history of Russia.

The list of countries from which "refugees from neoliberalism" will be accepted will be approved separately.