How to buy a retirement insurance experience in Ukraine

In 2025, to retire at 60 years, it is necessary to have at least 32 years of insurance. If the experience is not enough, the retirement age automatically increases or has to buy experience through the Pension Fund of Ukraine (PFU).

According to the Law of Ukraine “On Compulsory State Pension Insurance”, requirements for insurance experience are increasing annually. Required experience in retirement in age in 2025: 60 years - at least 32 years of experience, 63 years - at least 22 years, 65 years - at least 15 years of experience. If there is not enough insurance experience, there are two options: wait for the appropriate age, when the minimum length of service will be lower. Buy insurance experience through PFU.

Ukrainians can voluntarily pay contributions for themselves or for another person by entering into a contract with the PFC. This option is available if you work abroad and plan to receive a pension in Ukraine. You are at a pre -retirement age and you are missing experience. You have a low level of official income and you want to increase your future pension. You can do this online through the PFU portal or personally at the service center. How to enter into an online contract: Enter your PFU's personal office through an electronic signature or action. Go to the PFU Communication section → Voluntary Participation. Enter personal data (name, IDN, passport). Click “I wish you contributions for yourself”, fill out the information. Confirm the data and sign the contract. Pay contributions because of a convenient way. You can check the enrollment of the length of service in the PFU personal office. The minimum contribution in 2024 - UAH 1760 per month (22% of the minimum wage). The experience is purchased one month, the contract is concluded for at least one year. If a person is officially employed, the contract is terminated and the contribution is paid by the employer.

PFU proposes to use the pension calculator: enter the personal office on the PFU's webport. Choose an algorithm for calculating the pension. Make no data on work experience and salary. Click “Save and Calculate”.

Since March 2025, pensions will be indexed in Ukraine by approximately 11% in accordance with the state budget.